Tips for returning to face-to-face interviewing in 2022

As life is returning to normality, it seems the pre-pandemic work-life is following in these footsteps too. Similar to meetings starting to take place in person,  interviews are doing the same. Please read on for tips, based on my own personal experiences, to help take the stresses out of face-to-face interviewing in 2022:

  • Please plan your route in advance, and a backup route. If you live in London especially, you never know when there is a trusty old strike or delay taking place that day! I had a client once tell me how a candidate was an hour and a half late to an interview after getting times mixed up… I’m sure you can imagine how that one ended
  • When traveling to your interview make the most of your time and do quick final research of the organisation to find any recent news you didn’t initially see in your research. It’s always impressive to discuss an article you saw published about the company that morning!
  • Make sure you leave plenty of time before your interview starts … I had an experience where the bus stop I had to get on at was totally invisible and watched the bus drive straight past me with zero mercy whatsoever when I tried to flag it down
  • Please double-check the address of where the interview is taking place and never assume. I had a candidate tell me last week he had driven to the totally wrong office and didn’t realise until he got there – I’m sure you can imagine my reaction when he told me this
  • Always remember your ID just in case. My heart dropped when they asked for a form of identification to get into the building. Thankfully I had my driver’s license on me!
  • Just relax, and smile, you’re not a robot! And go for a handshake, only if you’re comfortable with this of course. Take advantage of being able to use body language to really set the tone for the rest of the meeting
  • Use this opportunity to build rapport and relationships. Meeting in person really does allow you to reach a level with the client which you are just unable to get through a screen. Remember to chat to them when you’re grabbing a coffee – you are all normal people with normal lives when not in the office. Get to know them on a personal level
  • Use your time wisely and avoid asking questions you can ask your recruiter or HR. This is your chance to really delve into a conversation with the employer. This is much more advantageous taking place in person than through a screen
  • My last tip and this isn’t to help you in your interview but more to stop you from going insane… remember a book or headphones for your way back. It was not fun waiting around 30 minutes before my train back into central – delays are inevitable!

In summary, take advantage of face-to-face interviews if you get the opportunity to attend one. I can’t emphasize enough how much it will bode in your favor. But if you take anything away from this read, just please remember to wear smart trousers and not pyjama bottoms this time round!