IAC Internal Audit Talent & Diversity Barometers

We constantly survey and monitor the Internal Audit profession. We do this through our Talent Barometer and Diversity Barometer. These quarterly surveys allow us to provide data and analysis that empowers the profession to drive excellence.

Our most recent Talent Barometer can be downloaded here, Q3’20 Talent Barometer

In the meantime here is a bit more about what we are doing …

The Internal Audit Talent & Diversity Barometers are completed by our network of CAEs and CFOs. We also conduct a similar barometer across our candidate network, the results of which are integrated into the reports to provide context and a broader perspective.

The barometers provide real data from audit teams to give IA leaders, CFOs and Talent Teams insight into key trends, emerging thinking, forward looking and historical indicators around talent within the IA profession.

The data will enable you to benchmark and sense check your own talent processes and thinking as well as provide valuable insight for internal discussions around recruitment and retention.

Our IA Talent Barometer will be issued every other quarter and will sit alongside our INTERNAL AUDIT DIVERSITY BAROMETER which will be issued for the other 2 quarters of the year.



We know that finding the right talent is one of most IA leaders top challenges, and as the specialist Internal Audit recruitment firm, we are keen to ensure you can find, retain and develop outstanding teams for the long term. Part of this process is to keep you fully up to date with the market and what your peers, potential new hires, and current teams are thinking.  We hope you enjoy reading our thought leadership, practical guides and barometer results and you find them of value.

Of course when it comes to recruitment, we are here to advise, collaborate and guide you to making the right hires for your team. Please reach out to us if you would like to talk.