IAC – Modern Slavery Statement
- Policy Statement
This Statement is made in accordance with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Internal Audit Connections Ltd.’s (Hereafter; ‘the Company’) Modern Slavery Statement. This Statement sets out the approach taken by the Company to understand all slavery and human trafficking risks related to its business, and the actions undertaken to mitigate any such risks.
- Purpose and Scope
Slavery and human trafficking are a hidden blight in our global society. We all have a responsibility to be alert to the risks in our own businesses and in wider supply chains.
The Company is committed to ensuring that no slavery or human trafficking exists in any part of its business, including in its supply chains. The Company is also committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all of its business relationships, and to taking all reasonable steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not exist in any other organisation with whom the Company has a business relationship.
- Policy
The Company aims to employ the highest ethical and professional standards and always to comply with all local laws and regulations applicable to its business. The Company therefore has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking in its activities, and expects all organisations in its supply chain to comply with this.
In order to identify and mitigate the risks of slavery and human trafficking, the Company has introduced systems to encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistle-blowers. Similarly, the Company expects all supply chain providers to also have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and procedures in place.
- Processes
In order to measure the Company’s effectiveness in ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not exist in its business or supply chains, the following processes are used:
- checking right to work documentation, monitoring labour, and auditing payroll
- maintaining communication and personal contact with the supply chain to ensure they understand the Company’s expectations and comply with them
- monitoring and reviewing of supply chain policy, codes of conduct and working practices to ensure ongoing commitment
- Training
The Company’s commitment to ensuring that no slavery or human trafficking exists in its business or supply chains is emphasised in its employee training programmes. Management are responsible for compliance within their respective departments and supplier relationships, and will be trained accordingly. All other employees will receive an induction into the Company which includes outlining its policies, procedures, values and expectations.
This statement has been approved by the Company’s Directors who will review and update it annually.
Last Reviewed and Updated: January 2024
David Haylor - CEO